Assalamualaikum everyone,
The heart is the most important part of our body. Actions speak louder than words. What we do reflects on the condition of our hearts. This could be interpreted in so many different ways. For instance, if we love something, if we are truly passionate towards it, we would do pretty much ANYTHING & EVERYTHING to obtain and achieve it..
Looking back on my life, all that I've done... why have I done it? What was the driving force?
It was always about achievements, success, titles, where I come from, I was.. what people would refer to as a "paper-chaser"... busy chasing and rushing after every single thing possible... every certificate, every trophy, ... yes everything... and anything to make me feel like I was worthy like I had achieved something. Like ... I was not a failure. But why? Why is it so important for me to feel like I was something... that I am somebody.... And why did I feel like I wasn't good enough?
Could it be because of the surroundings I was brought up in? Could it be I didn't feel accepted, loved nor acknowledged? maybe... but what was the bigger cause? Something rooted deeply in my conscience.... my spiritual conscience. Perhaps I was neglecting my spiritual rights... perhaps I didn't know my purpose. My true... goal.
Try filling your car tank with water.. will it run? Similarly our hearts need not be filled with dunya but something a lot more important... the remembrance of Allah.
Amidst all the chaos and madness, truthfully rest can only be found in the remembrance of Allah.
Wassalam. [19/08/15]
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