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I can't hear you, inner voice.


I know its been a long time since I posted anything.... I've been struggling with a lot. Y'know... cause life is hard. Yes, definitely.

Sometimes you just feel this emptiness in your heart.... and you just can't understand why you feel so blue.... depressed.. upset.. lost..

The answer to this is in the Qur'an

" Verily in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest. " -[13:28]

Hmm... I know this... yet I can't bring myself to feel it..  I try to reflect, to think about Allah... To think about all the numerous blessings I am lucky enough to have.

Its funny because I keep getting this same feeling again, again & again.. I desperately try to busy my self... to distract my thoughts.

Maybe deep down... I know why I feel this way... I know..... but I am in self-denial.

I try to talk to myself... to find the root cause of the problem... and there, there it is... the inner voice shrouded by all these loud thoughts and screams coming from my nafs.

The inner voice.... barely audible... says.... Go back, go back to Allah. Go back to your true purpose. You shouldn't rely on people. Don't place your happiness on people. This reliance should only be on Allah.  Wake up.. Move on.. You need to learn to love yourself. Stop destroying yourself.

This love you have for your friend... is too much... it's attachment. You have let in dunya .. let it into your heart. And by doing so you've given it the right to break your heart. So too your heart hurts, aches and is breaking.... and you have noone to blame but yourself.

If you don't stop this now... you will indirectly drag them down with you... Is this really love? Wake up! Wake up! You are stronger than this. Please .... don't give in... to your nafs.

You have your own life.. Your own responsibilities... Set a goal, a vision.... and work hard towards it.. don't do small talk... Stop it!

Protect your heart.... place barriers so high that nothing but that which is worthy can make it in. And that is Allah.

True love should not make you feel weak, vulnerable, reliant, dependent, desperate...True love should free you. Both you and the person you love.

Learn to let go, love yourself first.

Let go of what you want for what you need.... do it for your own good.

This post is dedicated to anyone who's feeling or has ever felt attached.



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